Personal Data Management against Identity Theft: Analysis of Cases Filed at the Consumers League from Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Monteria (2019 - 2021)
Main Article Content
The main objective of this paper is to build a diagnosis of the current state of the local legal reality (Monteria and the department of Cordoba) regarding consumer law (identification of the most urgent and complex problems and the type of solutions they are currently subject to) in order to define lines of work in strategic litigation. Thus, the methodology used was to observe and analyze the repeated consultations to the Consumers League UPB Monteria of users’ victims of impersonation (2019 to 2021), giving rise to this article in which a study is conducted ranging from the conceptual examination of the protection of personal data, the contractual modality used and impersonation, to the analysis of all related rules. The main findings allow identifying situations in which, due to the improper handling of the personal information of the subscribers of a contract that is generally of adhesion, they have been exposed to indiscriminate or improper use by malicious third parties without giving full compliance with the duties of protection and implementation of security protocols by the companies to ensure the proper custody of personal data, which in practice leaves the consumer exposed to various risks regarding the use of their personal information.
Article Details
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