Jurisdiction and alternative means for solving conflicts: a choice for environmental issues

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Carlos Alberto Lunelli
Armando Meraz Castillo


As societies became more complex, new kinds of conflicts emerged such as the environmental ones. However, current procedural system is still governed by a positivistic legal system basically supported on legal guidelines since the same judicial structure for solving all kind of issues is still used today. As a result, a deficiency is seen with the State when dealing with protecting new rights that emerge in a society in permanent evolution. For this reason, this article established a need for using alternative conflict resolution means (such as the mediation-conciliation) as viable choices for resolving environmental conflicts as a way to get a solution through concrete measures for specific cases.

How to Cite
Lunelli, C. A., & Meraz Castillo, A. (2014). Jurisdiction and alternative means for solving conflicts: a choice for environmental issues. Opinión Jurídica, 13(26). Retrieved from https://revistas.udem.edu.co/index.php/opinion/article/view/953

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Author Biographies

Carlos Alberto Lunelli, Universidad de Caxias do Sul

Doctor en Derecho Público. Profesor titular de la disciplina de Proceso Ambiental, dentro del curso de Maestría en Derecho, de la Universidad de Caxias do Sul. RS. Brasil. Línea de investigación 'Proceso, Realización de Derechos Fundamentales y Medio Ambiente'.

Armando Meraz Castillo, Universidad de Caxias do Sul

Licenciado en Derecho por la Universidad La Salle Pachuca, México. Alumno de Maestría en Derecho Ambiental por la Universidad de Caxias do Sul RS. Brasil. Línea de investigación 'Proceso, Realización de Derechos Fundamentales y Medio Ambiente'