
About the Journal

The journal publishes scientific articles related to social and human sciences (history, philosophy, ethnology, economy, ethics, among others) and education (pedagogy, learning, teaching, etc.). Furthermore, the journal publishes translations, reviews and interviews with topics concerning the humanities. The articles are assessed by a peer blind review process and checked by anti-plagiarism software. They are also published under the open access modality.

The articles are submitted through the OJS platform. The editor will assess the pertinence of each of the proposals submitted and will then verify the originality of the texts using the Turnitin software. Once this stage is completed, two peer reviewers will be appointed for performing a "double-blind" evaluation. Both the authors and the reviewers must have a profile in the journal's OJS to manage the article. Likewise, every communication and remission of the material must be performed within this platform. In the case of a draw in the reviewers' decision (the rejection of one of the reviewers and approval by the other or vice versa), a third reviewer will be appointed for settling the situation. The editor is in charge of analyzing the concepts of the evaluators and will proceed according to the circumstances as follows: the editors send the article back to the author for performing the suggested corrections or notifies the rejection of the proposal. The final decision must be sent in the shortest notices, via the OJS with a copy to the author's registered email. The time limit for re-submitting the articles by the arbitrators' recommendations is 15 days. The following figure (figure 1) displays the editorial process and the duration of the process performed by the journal's editorial team.

The journal publishes two issues per year in the last month of every issue (January-June and July-December). The editorial process of each number lasts three months that are distributed like this: the assessment of pertinence and originality of each article lasts a month; when this stage is completed, the search and assignation of reviewers and the remission of the arbitrations take another month; the adjustments of the authors and the submission of the manuscript in accordance with the assessments lasts fifteen days and the style adjustments of each article, for the final composition of the issue, takes another fifteen days.
The journal accepts scientific research articles, reflection articles, review articles, translations, reviews and interviews.
The journal adheres to the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics COPE.

Regarding the authors:

  • The authors must manifest the originality and clarity of the article, the veracity of the data, as well as the validity of the study and its relevance regarding the journal's scope.
  • They must know the guidelines for authors and comply with them.
  • They must state any relevant conflict of interest for all the contributors if there were any.
  • When submitting an article, the author must attach a signed document that states that the submitted work is original, unpublished and has not been submitted simultaneously to any other journal for its possible publication.
  • They must make the editors aware if any individual must not review the submitted material, every time those requests are reasonable and viable.
  • They must know the publications dates of the journal, as well as the deadlines for submission and approval of articles.
  • The author can appeal against the editorial decisions.

Regarding the reviewers or arbitrators

  • The journal, in its peer review process, selects international arbitrators with expertise in the topics following a blind double peer system to guarantee that the review is in accordance with anonymity standards.
  • The reviewers must state any possible conflict of interests that might arise from the closeness or hostility against any of the authors. Likewise, if the reviewer identifies the author(s) despite the removal of their names from the manuscript. The arbitrators must declare any conflict of interests and reject the invitation of the editors for evaluating the manuscript when, for example, they identify the authorship of the manuscript, they are academically or family-related, they belong to the same university, department or research group, professional network, research project or any other kind of connection or professional proximity. Given any of these cases, the reviewer must decline the editor's invitations for arbitrating the article.
  • They must uphold intellectual rights.
  • The arbitrators must review the article within the timeline stated by the journal to follow the stipulated times and pay due diligence to the authors and their works.
  • The reviewer must keep strict confidentiality in the assessment of the article and must not divulge its content to any third parties.
  • The opinion of the reviewers is vital for detecting the originality of the contents and guaranteeing the scientific and literary quality of the manuscript.
  • The assessment reports must have an exhaustive analysis of the manuscript, contrasting the information presented on it, the verification of the scientific literature employed in the text and also present a quantitative and qualitative report to the editors on the suitability of the work for its publication.
  • The reviewers must make commentaries on the ethical problems arising from possible inadequate conducts of the publications of the research.

Regarding the editor:

  • The editors must guarantee the quality of the material published in the journal.
  • They must also select expert peers with knowledge, experience and academic trajectory in the topic without conflict of interests.
  • They must uphold intellectual rights.
  • Guarantee the confidentiality and anonymity of the authors and reviewers in the process; as well as in every aspect regarding consent and special requirements for research on human beings and animals.
  • Publishing corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies whenever necessary.
  • Actively search for points of view of authors, readers, reviewers and members of the committee of other journals of possible ways of improving its publishing processes.
  • Complying with the time-frame periodicity declared by the journal for an article that has passed all the editorial stages.
  • Identify, select and review the composition of the members of the scientific and editorial committees in accordance with the experience and academic trajectory of its integrants.
  • Employ systems for the detection of falsifications as a routine procedure and in those pieces suspicious of plagiarism. For this regard, the journal Ciencias Sociales y Educación employs the Turnitin software to determine the similarity of an article with other documents.
The editor will assess compliance with the requirements recently displayed. Once confirmed the compliance with these requirements, the manuscript is forwarded to the Editorial Committee to assign an evaluator for it. The evaluation procedure of this journal is the blind 'peer-reviewed'. The editor is in charge of sending the article to the peer reviewers selected by the Editorial Committee to give recommendations and inform its findings regarding the publication process of the article. The editorial committee takes into account the assessment of the peer reviewers and the editor to publish or not the article. The article is returned to its author(s) for correction or announcing its rejection. The decision will be communicated to the main author in the shortest time possible at the e-mail proportioned by the author in the manuscript.

Note:In no case, the authors will pay any fees to the journal for the publication of its article. The article must be submitted to the evaluation process proposed by the journal in its author guidelines.

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