Nightlife: Fluxes and Semiotic, Aesthetic and Metaphorogical Configurations

Jorge Iván Echavarría Carvajal | Bio
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Medellín


Beyond its definition linked to the rotation of the earth, night has offered a rich field of symbolic, metaphoric and aesthetics production throughout time. This article goes over the mythical and folkloric references up to the derived imaginative and conceptual reworkings. First from modern philosophy and art and then from economic imperatives, technologies and urbanism. From there, the fear inspired by the settings attributed to the nocturnal starts to yield to the conquest and domestication of this space-time dimension: commodification, tourism and night pollution gives now the coordinates for a probable disappearance of this symbolic source. Now, these coordinates present diverse characteristics in different cultures and the appearance of the new forms and figures incarnate the contemporary fears or those residual from the past and deployed in the contents of movies and media. Moreover, if the nightness of Medellín is compared with other experiences and a new north for its management is proposed more accordingly with the real dynamics of this space chronologically defined.


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How to Cite
Echavarría Carvajal, J. I. (2019). Nightlife: Fluxes and Semiotic, Aesthetic and Metaphorogical Configurations. Ciencias Sociales Y Educación, 8(15), 23-39.


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