Inter-Ethnicity Against the Principle of the Excluded Third

Rodrigo Pérez Gil
Investigador independiente, Medellín, Colombia


The included third not only rescues but also values as a clinical fact the mix between races, but also the anomalies of al type, the freaks, the deviated, everything and everyone who gets apart from the men pattern (human specie)-male-white-adultchristian-heterosexual-inhabitant-of-thenorth-cities. The included third rescues and values the broken, the unkempt, the waste, the refuse, the ruined the corpse itself, in a struggle against the terrorism of appearances.


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How to Cite
Pérez Gil, R. (2020). Inter-Ethnicity Against the Principle of the Excluded Third. Ciencias Sociales Y Educación, 9(18), 217-231.


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