Decolonizing the Body: Conversations with Young Embera Indigenous Women

Adriana Arroyo Ortega | Bio
Investigadora asociada Minciencias
Andreina Sarai Zuñiga Tirado | Bio
Canal Regional Teleantioquia


This article emerges from research that aimed to analyze the experiences that a group of young women from the Emberá Chamí community of an indigenous reservation in Colombia have about their bodies. The methodology used was the Participation Action Research —IAP— adapting it to the research perspectives with indigenous communities. The results are focused on the tensions that the young women of the Emberá people must assume around their bodies, the violence, and visions they have around them. The main conclusions show how they seek to interrogate patriarchal schemes while trying to decolonize their own body constructions.


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How to Cite
Arroyo Ortega, A., & Zuñiga Tirado, A. S. (2022). Decolonizing the Body: Conversations with Young Embera Indigenous Women. Ciencias Sociales Y Educación, 11(22), 75-95.


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