Educational Inclusion: Funds of Knowledge and Identity in Experiences of School Reading Literary

Ricardo Sánchez Lara | Bio
Universidad Central de Chile


The aim of this article is to analyze, descriptivelly, inclusion and exclusion frameworks in literary reading experiences of 13 Chilean students from high school. Methodologically, and from a qualitative approach with narrative biographical design, 26 reports of critical incidents and 13 interviews of reading trajectories were analyzed. Among the main resuls, it stands out that: knowledge, telling, feelings, and reading actions operate, generally, as forms of invisible and illegitimate knowledge within the educational institutions. At the same time, the central conclusions indicate that the extracurricular events of literary reading are, in general and based on the sample of this study, excluded from the didactic story of the school and that to promote favorable experiences of literary learning it is necessary to include the relational stories of the students with the reading.


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How to Cite
Sánchez Lara, R. (2024). Educational Inclusion: Funds of Knowledge and Identity in Experiences of School Reading Literary. Ciencias Sociales Y Educación, 12(24), 181-199.


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