Improvisación, JE Zapata Garcés

An approach to a didactic model for creating virtual learning objects

Sandra Isabel Arango Vásquez | Bio
Universidad de Medellín
Claudia Patricia Vásquez Lopera | Bio
Universidad de Medellín
Alexander Salazar Ceballos | Bio
Universidad del Magdalena
Lídice Álvarez-Miño | Bio
Universidad del Magdalena


This article displays initial findings of the project “Didactic Model for Creating Virtual Learning Objects Supported on an Academic High-Speed Network.” Universidad de Medellin and Universidad del Magdalena show an approach to this model taking conceptualization of pedagogic approaches, pedagogic models, and didactic models into consideration. Initial results of this qualitative research with hermeneutic approach show the definition of a didactic model for virtual learning object based on technological, organizational, and didactic dimensions. In order to apply the didactic model, the article shows the elements virtual learning objects should have for each dimension and the way the thematic expert can indicate each of these elements when facing writing of contents.


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How to Cite
Arango Vásquez, S. I., Vásquez Lopera, C. P., Salazar Ceballos, A., & Álvarez-Miño, L. (2011). An approach to a didactic model for creating virtual learning objects. Ciencias Sociales Y Educación, 2(3), 107-129. Retrieved from


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