Those who wish to submit an article must present a depurated text, following the article structure specified in these guidelines, after being registered through theRegister option. If you already had a user Log in and go to the “Submit” section to upload your document to the platform. You can also access this option directly by clicking the "Submit an article", option, located in the upper-right panel of the website. This option allows the creation of a user (if you do not have one) or login if you already have one.

Important:Bear in mind that every article submitted must be unpublished, of your authorship and must not have been presented in any other media for simultaneous publication. Furthermore, the author must yield their economic rights to the institution and authorize its divulgation for unlimited time in any media, online or print, including the internet.

There will be a priority in the selection process for those manuscripts on the topics listed below, which are divided into two broad knowledge areas: social sciences and education.

Particularly related to social sciences, the journal expects manuscripts on the following topics:
  • Subjectivities, social mobilization and territories.
  • International relations, current conflicts and international cooperation.
  • Violence, justices and historical memory.
  • Power, democracy and Constitution.

In the educational area, the journal is interested in the following topics:
  • Pedagogy, curriculum and didactics.
  • Education for peace and diversity.
  • Didactics of reading and writing.
  • Educational management.

The journal also prioritizes three types of documents:

Scientific research article: A document that presents, in a detailed manner, the original results of a research project. The structure is generally composed of five main parts: an introduction, a theoretical and conceptual framework, a methodology, results and conclusions.

Review article: a document that results from the analysis, systematization and integration of the results of published or unpublished research on a science or technology field to communicate the advancements and development trends of them. It is characterized by having a rigorous bibliographical review.

The selected articles will be uploaded to the journal’s OJS..
The manuscripts can also be submitted via email to the address The journal receives manuscripts for their possible publication between the fourth week of January up to the second week of December.

The structure of the article will be the following:

  • Title
  • Author
  • Institution, city, country
  • Email (preferably institutional)
  • Abstract (must be available in the three languages of the journal: Spanish, English and Portuguese).
  • Keywords: they must be available in the three languages of the journal: Spanish, English and Portuguese and they must be between 5 and 10 words.
  • Body of the work with an introduction, a theoretical and conceptual framework, results and conclusions.
  • References

The articles must be submitted with the following formal requirements:

  • MS Word format, letter-sized page, three-centimetre margins in each of the four sides, Arial font in 12 points, double spaced, before and after spacing of 0 points. With a single space between each paragraph without bleeding to the left at the beginning of each paragraph. The total length of the document must be between eight thousand and ten thousand words.
  • The title must not surpass two lines, preferably, and must be attractive and illustrative for the reader on the topic of the article. Titles with words such as “approximation”, “approach”, “preliminary” or other similar words are not attractive, neither those referring to a specific geographical place. In that case, it is strongly recommended to make the delimitation in the introduction.
  • 3. The name(s) of the author(s) will be written after the title without being preceded by the “by” preposition. The following structure must be used:
    • Name of the author.
    • Institution, city, country.
    • Email address.
    • ORCID link (in case of having one).
    • More than four authors are not recommended.
  • The abstract must be a single paragraph with no more than 15 lines in which there must be a precise description of the article topic, how it is tackled and the main finding. There must not be quotations in the abstract.
  • Keywords are terms related to the topics of the article that will be used as metadata in the search engines of the virtual platforms in which the journal is indexed. Beware that those terms might consist of more than one word, for example, “transitional justice” is only one term within the keywords. They must be separated with a semicolon and must be between five and ten pertinent terms.
  • The introduction must not be longer than three pages. This section must provide the context (as an equivalent to the problem statement) and provide clarity about the purpose of the article (The main objective), the methodology employed and the steps taken for the work findings and its structure. None of these parts must be subtitled; the writing must be concatenated and in the order required by these guidelines. In the case of employing a well-known methodology (i.e., a field study) it is not necessary to explain it. Stating it will be enough.
  • The tables and graphics included can not be images inserted in the document, but editable objects that can be adjusted in the style correction after the article is approved. Additionally, they must appear after the paragraph that first mentions them and must be cited in that same order.
  • A legend-description must be included In the lower part of the tables and graphics with clear and concise information that allows the reader to better comprehend its contents. In the case of being necessary, the measurement unit used in the figures must be stated. The source must be declared in the APA format. If the tables or graphics are made by the author(s) the source must say "Source: Own elaboration".
  • Subtitles must be numbered. The introduction and references must not be numbered.
  • There must be a section for conclusions in which the answer to the research question is explicitly answered and enough evidence is presented to make evident if the objective of the article presented in the introduction was achieved
  • If the author(s) wishes to, there could be an acknowledgements section after the conclusion to state if the article is derived from an ongoing or finished research project. There must be information such as the title of the project, the institutión that financed it and how the author participated in it. In case of not being derived from research, the academic or research activity of the author(s) must be specified, as well as his enrollment within the field to display its trajectory regarding the research topic.
  • References should not be bulleted or classified. It must be a list alphabetically and chronologically ordered. Only those texts effectively used within the text will be included.
  • Every text used in the references list should be cited in the text body, and every referenced within the text body must have a correspondent entry in the references list, including those cited in footnotes. There must not be a surplus of citations or references. The citations and references must be presented in the latest APA (American Psychological Association) format.

Examples for citation and references:

The citation of the authors will be inserted into the text between parentheses and indicating the first last name of the author or authors, the year and the page.


In this sense “el desarrollo de la transversalidad curricular como estrategia docente está unida de forma inexorable al desarrollo profesional del profesor, ya que este significa desarrollo, cambio, mejora, adecuación y crecimiento con relación al propio conocimiento y el contexto” (Fernández, 2004, p. 1).

Given the case of mentioning the name of the author for referring any idea of Him/her, the year of publication of the cited work will be indicated between parentheses.


Like this, Habermas (1994) señala que la esfera pública constituía el escenario clave del poder político.
If the work cited has two authors, the citation will be performed as mentioned above with the name of both authors. Onwards, the last name of the first author followed by the abbreviation et al. (with a period in the end) and the year of publication)
In the case of having three, four or five authors, they will all be cited the first time the reference is made.
The textual citations with less than forty words will continue within the text and between quotation marks. The number of pages in which the quote appears will be indicated between parentheses.


As stated by Ada Rodríguez (2007), “el lector deduce su significado en función de sus juicios, sus experiencias y su conocimiento del mundo” (p. 40).

If the quote is longer than 40 words will be written with an increase indent with a single space; without quotation marks. At the end of the quote, the page number(s) will be indicated. The ending point will be at the end of the quote, not at the end of the reference.


Daniel J. Kurland (2003) defines critical reading as:

una técnica que permite descubrir ideas e información dentro de un contenido escrito […] hace referencia a una lectura cuidadosa, activa, reflexiva y analítica” y pone de antemano la idea de pensamiento crítico en la que es necesario reflexionar sobre la validez de lo que se ha leído teniendo como referencia el conocimiento y la comprensión del mundo que se observa. (p. 56)

Every note or comment will be presented as a footnote and must be written at the immediate line (single-spaced) and progressive page number in arabic numerals. We insist on the exceptional character of footnotes and encourage authors to write them as briefly as possible, using the same criteria as with the bibliographical references.

In the bibliographical references list and/or articles must be referenced only those effectively used in the text and must be arranged chronologically and alphabetically by their last names. If an author has two or more references from the same year the letters ‘a,b,c’ will be added to avoid any confusion. The references will be registered as in the examples listed below in this general structure: Last name(s), followed by the first name initials; publishing year (between parentheses), book title or journal (in italics) and publishing house.


Author's last name and name Initial. (Year of publication). Title of the book. Publisher.

  • Carpentier, A. (1981). La novela latinoamericana en vísperas de un nuevo siglo y otros ensayos. Siglo XXI Editores.

Book chapter

When the book is coordinated by an editor or compiler and each chapter is written by a different author, the following structure should be used:

Last name, A., and Last name, B. (Year). Title of the chapter. In A. Last name (ed.), Title of the book (pp. xx-xx). Publisher.


Ortiz, L. (1996). Viajeros y forasteros en Medellin, siglos XIX y XX. En J. Melo (ed.), Historia de Medellin. Tomo I (pp. 289-303). Compañía Suramericana de Seguros.

Periodical publications

For periodical publications, the article’s title is written in regular text followed by the journal’s name in italics, with uppercases and immediate lowercase, the volume number (in italics as well), number of the edition between parentheses and pages of the cited work.


Castillo, A. del (1998). Entre la criminalidad y el orden cívico: imágenes y representaciones de la niñez durante el porfiriato. Historia Mexicana, 48(2), 277-320.

If the reference comes from a newspaper article the structure will be the following: author’s last name, author’s initials, publication date between parenthesis, the title of the article in round type, name of the newspaper in italics and pages.


Arenas Guzman, D. (17 de noviembre de 1949). El periodismo en la revolución de 1910. El Nacional, 3-7.

Thesis (final work degrees)

The title is written in italics (without a period in the end), followed by the grade obtained with the source between brackets: undergraduate, master or doctorate thesis, with the 'unpublished' statement (if unpublished) and the name of the institution. A period after closing the brackets, then the database or repository where the work is hosted followed by another closing period and the link to the cited material.


Castrillón, D. (2016). Pedagogía del cuerpo: una senda a la formación de maestros [tesis de maestría, Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia]. Repositorio Institucional Universidad de Antioquia.

Conferences and lectures

In the case of citing a conference or lecture, the title will be written in italics, then an opening bracket with the type of contribution followed by a closing bracket and a period, the title of the conference or event and its location (city and country, separated by a comma), and last the web link of the event (in case there is one).


Castro, J. (2005, 22-26 de agosto). Agua urbana y lucha social en América Latina [XXV Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Sociología]. Porto Alegre, Brazil.

Web page

The citation of an internet page inside the text will only be referenced between parentheses with the authors last name and year. The URL or web direction of the page will be included in the list of references.


In-text: (Herrera, 2020)

In the references list:

Herrera, M. (21st of April, 2020). Luces y sombras de Gurropín. Al Poniente.

According to the 7th edition of the APA standards, it is no longer necessary to add “Accessed from” or “Retrieved from” before the link. Only when the content does not have a date of publication or update (stated as (n.d.)) will the date of access be included before the link with the statement “accessed day, month, year”.

Journal article

Last name and author’s name initial. (publication year). Article title. Journal name, volume(number), followed by the referenced text pages and the URL or DOI link.

  • Laverde, A. (2006). (Im) pertinencia del concepto de tradición literaria para una historia de la literatura colombiana. Lingüística y Literatura,27(49), 33-50.

Note: If the article was retrieved from the internet, use the same structure and add the link at the end: http//

For articles with DOI (digital object identifier), add the DOI link after the pages rank (digital object identifier).

  • García, M., González,,y Cedeño, M. (2016). El arte como herramienta para favorecer el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico en preescolares.Revista Internacional de Educación Preescolar e Infantil,1(2), 47-55.
  • Franco, R. (2018). Pensamiento contable latinoamericano: entre colonialismo intelectual y ciencia propia. Revista Científica General José María Córdova, 16(22),133-161.

Archive documents, photographs and interviews

The location of the archive documents, photographs or speech material will be stated in a footnote under the following structure:

Title of the source. [Description of the source]. Year, month, day. name of the compilation or archive. Index number, box number, number or name of the material, etc. Name and location of the repository.

Archive documents example:

Carta al presidente de la república. 6 de marzo de 1827. Fondo Guerra y Marina. Caja 75, f. 7. Archivo General de la Nación, México.

Dictamen presentado a la Soberana Junta Gubernativa del Imperio Mexicano por la Comisión de Relaciones Exteriores. S. F. Exp. C-3-3-3, f. 145. Archivo Histórico de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores de México, México.

Estadísticas de las provincias de religiosos.1830. Justicia Eclesiástica. Vol. 98, f. 223. Archivo General de la Nación, México.

Letter to Daniel Webster of Hargous, P. A. 1852, May, 11th. Record of the Department of State, Record Group 59, Miscellaneous Letters of the Department of State, 1789-1906 (microfilm, M179, roll 131). The National Archives of Washington, Washington, D.C.

Photograph example:

[Photograph by Gonzalo C. Piñera]. (April. 1905). Personajes (num. 128). Fototeca del Archivo Histórico del Estado de Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, Mexico.

[Photograph by C. B. Waite]. (ca. 1908-1909). C. B. Waite, Aguascalientes (5). Instrucción Pública y Bellas Artes, Propiedad artística y literaria, Archivo General de la Nación, Mexico.

Interview example:

Kaspé, V. (March 1st, 1995). Interview to the architect Vladimir Kaspe/Interviewer: Graciela de Garay. Proyecto de Historia Oral de la Ciudad de México: Testimonios de sus Arquitectos (1940-1990) (PHO 11/16 (1)), Instituto Mora, Mexico.

Rodríguez S. (June 5th, 2007). Entrevista a la señora Susana Rodríguez/Interviewer: Andrea Torricella, Mar del Plata, Argentina.

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