La responsabilidad extra-contractual del Estado por error judicial en Colombia

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Carlos Mario Molina Betancur


The handling given to the extra-contractual responsibility of the State because of a jurisdictional error in Colombia has been a mere jurisprundential one, since there has were no norms that would regulate such a responsability. The 1991 Colombian Political Constitution, in article 90, clearly consecrated the patrimonial responsibility of the State.This norm does not explicitly refer to the judicial activity yet upon referring to public authorities, it is understood that it may be fit to predicate such a responsability unto those members that exercise judicial activities. The Constitutional Court and the State Council were in charge of explaining the reach of the constitutional norm and fixing the parametres for the adequate development of article 90 of the Constitution.

How to Cite
Molina Betancur, C. M. (2004). La responsabilidad extra-contractual del Estado por error judicial en Colombia. Opinión Jurídica, 3(6), 13–36. Retrieved from

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Author Biography

Carlos Mario Molina Betancur

Abogado. Magíster en Derecho Público Europeo. Doctor en Derecho Público Interno. Miembro de L’ACAST (Asociación de Investigadores Colombianos en Francia). Docente de la Universidad de Medellín.