Emmanuel Mounier ‘s Personalism and His Relation with Colombian Political Constitution
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The present text intends to verify the influence of the thought of Emmanuel Mounier in the Colombian Constitution of 1991 and in the context that propitiated this constitutional reform. The methodology consisted in using texts of the author and historical texts that refer to the context lived in the time by Mounier and the country of Colombia in the last decade before the Constitution of 1991. It was established that there were points in common between the periods of 1932 To 1945 lived by the French philosopher, and the one from 1983 to 1991 lived in Colombia. The Realism thought of Mounier, focused on the action of the human person that is free from any Idealism or Nihilism, coincides with the real actions of the Colombian population that change the Legal Formalisms, to build a new order that would end with the Idealism and Nihilism proper of that moment. For the French thinker, and this can be seen in the 1991 Colombian Constitution, it was necessary to re-establish the moral hierarchy of the needs of States, for which the existing structures had to be reformed, and, for this purpose, he proposed a community based on respect for Human dignity.
Article Details
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