In the rescue of the Socratic method in current learning of procedural law

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Enrique Letelier Loyola


This article is intended to remark the importance of critical thought in the learning and teaching process of procedural law, stating some questions about what we are actually teaching as Law, why is it necessary to teach law, and how we should do it. Concerning methodologies to teach and learn the law, the Socratic method seems to be the suitable method to understand the normative phenomenon, since it obliges teachers and students to formulate questions following rules of thinking and construct responses within a context of dialogue. This facilitates the development of several stages of thinking until reaching the critical thinking which implies a self-reflection. The development of a method similar to the Socratic method allows setting aside the traditional teaching model, facilitates progress and demonstration of students’ skills, and it can be applicable in conjunction with new communication technologies.

How to Cite
Letelier Loyola, E. (2017). In the rescue of the Socratic method in current learning of procedural law. Opinión Jurídica, 16(31), 117–134.

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Author Biography

Enrique Letelier Loyola, Universidad de Antofagasta

Lawyer, Master and Doctor of Laws. Associate Professor, Procedural Law, Faculty of Legal Sciences, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile. Doctor of Law from the Universidad de Salamanca. E-mail: