Transformative Mediation: Vulnerability as Openness towards Transformation in Family Relationships Abstract

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Miguel Ángel Montoya-Sanchez
Natalia Andrea Salinas-Arango
Isabel Puerta Lopera


With the purpose of contributing to the advancement of conceptual elaborations regarding transformative mediation in the family sphere, we present this writing to the readers’ consideration, which introduces, as a novelty, the concept of vulnerability as a quality characteristic to the human condition, and regarding family, would place some of its members in a disadvantageous condition, however, we want to show as a result that if the pillars of revaluation and recognition of the other are fully met, in line with exceeding the individualistic vision with which the conflict negotiation has been carried out, results could be achieved that, in addition to preserving the unity and harmony of the family, would minimize pain, suffering and damage in crisis situations. The research was oriented with the qualitative method through the multiple-case study and the observation, interview and mediation encounters techniques were used. Transformative mediation is presented as the opportunity for each party in conflict to have a better understanding of themselves and the other and, therefore, facilitate making decisions that improve family relationships. It is concluded that one thing is that the conflict qualifies the relationship that identifies the members of a family and another, very different and generally misunderstood, the vulnerability that distinguishes them as protagonists in said relationship.

How to Cite
Montoya-Sanchez, M. Ángel, Salinas-Arango, N. A., & Puerta Lopera, I. (2021). Transformative Mediation: Vulnerability as Openness towards Transformation in Family Relationships Abstract. Opinión Jurídica, 20(42), 297–319.

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Author Biography

Miguel Ángel Montoya-Sanchez, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia

Profesor titular Universidad de Antioquia. Coordinador área Derecho de Familia Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas.

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