The Implacable Individual. Deviation of Modern Liberalism and Socialism

María Cristina López Bolívar | Bio
Universidad de los Andes


The individual is a decisive element for the Western history. Its emergence responds to social phenomena of the 18th and 19th centuries; the creation and crisis of the State-Nation as an organization model, despite its individualist and competitive nature, has proven to be insufficient to assist and compromise the individuals as particular and implacable parties of collective jurisprudence. This crisis has an impact on the criticism to the State-Nation made with extremely individual opinions such as that of Max Stirner, the author of “El Unico y su Propiedad,” who spoke about the implacable nature of man before any social and theoretical manifestation alleged as superior to the individual.


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How to Cite
López Bolívar, M. C. (2016). The Implacable Individual. Deviation of Modern Liberalism and Socialism. Ciencias Sociales Y Educación, 5(9), 47-62.


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