The Teaching Bodies in the Philosophy Classroom

Janett Tourn Travers | Bio
Instituto de Profesores Artigas (IPA- CFE), Montevideo, Uruguay


The following texts correspond to the main findings from research performed through an ethnographic approach to five professoriate students in Philosophy* from the Artigas Professors Institute (IPA in Spanish) in the city of Montevideo, Uruguay. It is framed within the field of didactics in philosophy, in which two fields of knowledge are articulated: studies on the body (fundamentally from philosophy and anthropology of the body) and the production around the teaching of philosophy. The fieldwork was performed between 2013 and 2014, the information processing was performed during 2015 and was publicly defended in 2016. The research was performed as a case study from a qualitative approach of ethnographic and interpretivist type. The relevance of the research itself is given by the need to embody the corporeal realm in teachers’ education and specifically in philosophy teachers formation. The corporeal realm is understood as a constitutive aspect of subjectivity and, thus, of the way of existing and presenting of the subjects in the world.

The goal of the research, even if it is framed as an exploratory study for not having a direct background on the field to inquire, refers to the need for integrating the work of the teaching object with himself, with its corporeality as an affective and affected body in the framework of the philosophical classroom.


* This formation refers to an undergraduate formation which title is Medium Education Teacher with a Philosophy specialty, issued by the Uruguayan Educational Formation Council, Public  Education National Administration. The formation here refers to training teachers for working, fundamentally, in medium school, which in Uruguay is commonly referred to as lyceum.


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How to Cite
Tourn Travers, J. (2020). The Teaching Bodies in the Philosophy Classroom. Ciencias Sociales Y Educación, 9(17), 95-115.


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