From Place to Lessons, from Knowledge to Training: : Narratives of Experience of Residents of Rosado / RN

Narratives of Experience of Residents of Rosado / RN

Ana Lúcia Oliveira Aguiar | Bio
Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte-UERN, Mossoró-RN, Brasil
Stenio de Brito Fernandes | Bio
Secretaria da Educação e da Cultura do Estado do RN-SEEC, Mossoró-RN, Brasil


The lessons from the experience of residents of the Rosado Community - district of the city of Porto do Mangue in the state of Rio Grande do Norte-RN, Brazil, are revealed as they build and reconstruct their ways of living. This article aims to understand how the lessons from the experience of residents of the Rosado Community / RN contribute to the formation and transformation of the subjects’ daily lives. As a qualitative research, the study used (auto)biographical research as a method of investigation, based on the narratives of two residents of the Rosado Community / RN. We point out that the lessons of the experience are preserved among its residents, namely: fishing, praying, planting and teaching, among others, and are practiced and shared by the subjects of the community. The woven narratives are constituted in the feeling of identity of a people, in the reconstruction of the lessons of the experience with the countryside and the sea, because all this passed from generation to generation, thus contributing to the recognition of this people and to make them visible in which they live in the construction of daily life as a community.


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How to Cite
Oliveira Aguiar, A. L., & de Brito Fernandes, S. (2021). From Place to Lessons, from Knowledge to Training: . Ciencias Sociales Y Educación, 10(20), 23-43.


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