Teaching Professional Practice, a Contextualized Device for Training in Bachelor’s Degrees at the San Alfonso University Foundation

Leina Lucelva Garcia Reina | Bio
Fundación Universitaria San Alfonso, Bogotá, Colombia


The different conceptions about teaching practice determine its direct relationship with the prevailing paradigms in the educational field, each one with its specific epistemological substratum. From the elaborate documentary analysis, as a qualitative research technique, it can be inferred that teaching practice has gone from a transmission reception relationship, typical of traditional approaches, to a relationship framed within a critical or emancipatory rationality, such as the reflective investigative approach. This approach makes it possible to conceive teaching practice as a space that achieves, on the one hand, the recognition of the emerging school culture through the diversity of rituals incorporated in the daily school life, and which become devices that make it possible to read the life of the school from a complex perspective, distinguishing between the structural and the contingent, and on the other, recognizing teaching practice as an investigative practice that offers the possibility of generating new knowledge. This new way of conceiving practices from pedagogical theory is recognized as contextualized or situated practices, leading to forming a professional who is recognized as a mediator, reflective, critical and intellectual, to face the pedagogical and social challenges that the environment demands.


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How to Cite
Garcia Reina, L. L. (2021). Teaching Professional Practice, a Contextualized Device for Training in Bachelor’s Degrees at the San Alfonso University Foundation. Ciencias Sociales Y Educación, 10(20), 169-195. https://doi.org/10.22395/csye.v10n20a8


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