Una caracterización del discurso del comunicador en el escenario corporativo1
Abstract views: 554
Online: Nov 3, 2015
Pages: 17-46
Study of the structure and operation of the cabinets Communication in Spain
Abstract views: 1001
Online: Nov 3, 2015
Pages: 47-62
Communication in the workplace: Of communicative rationality to the rationality of consumption
Abstract views: 938
Online: Nov 3, 2015
Pages: 63-76
Communicative interaction and organizational culture
Abstract views: 995
Online: Nov 3, 2015
Pages: 77-86
The art of speaking for another. Spokesmen: Stories, notions and ideas
Abstract views: 1118
Online: Nov 3, 2015
Pages: 87-98
The creation of public opinion Do I publish or private matter?
Abstract views: 968
Online: Nov 3, 2015
Pages: 99-114
Colombia, communication and crisis The Twilight Zone
Abstract views: 1029
Online: Nov 3, 2015
Pages: 115-138
2do Coloquio Nacional de Estudios del Discurso Tendencias y perspectivas del análisis del discurso en Colombia
Abstract views: 399
Online: Nov 3, 2015
Pages: 137-149