Unconstitutionality of some Norms on Conciliating Matter due to Violation of Access to both Justice Administration and Public Autonomy

Main Article Content

Alfonso Hernández Tous


This article poses general aspects on the right of Access to justice administration and the relation exiting between such a right and the extra-judicial conciliation in law as another mechanism to Access to the same. In this connection effort, we pose how it can be real or effective for the citizen, the right to access through the conciliation instrument, in contrast with some conciliation norms which close the opportunity that parties comply with the philosophy which orients both the
conciliating figure and the effective access to justice administration and private autonomy, to finally conclude that such norms are illegal, because they violate several norms of 1991 Colombian Political Constitution.

How to Cite
Hernández Tous, A. (2014). Unconstitutionality of some Norms on Conciliating Matter due to Violation of Access to both Justice Administration and Public Autonomy. Opinión Jurídica, 13(25). Retrieved from https://revistas.udem.edu.co/index.php/opinion/article/view/867

Article Details

Author Biography

Alfonso Hernández Tous, Universidad de Cartagena

Abogado egresado de la Universidad de Cartagena. Especialista en Derecho Comercial, Derecho Procesal Civil de la Universidad Externado
de Colombia en convenio con la Universidad de Cartagena. Especialista en Conciliación, Arbitraje y Resolución de Conflictos de
la Universidad de Cartagena. Magister en Derecho de la Universidad del Norte. Estudiante de Doctorado en Derecho de la Universidad
de Medellín. Docente en derecho privado y mecanismos alternativos de solución de conflictos de las universidades de Cartagena y
Libre-sede Cartagena. Director y docente Investigador del Grupo Teoría de la Responsabilidad Civil con énfasis en mecanismos de
prevención, administración y solución de conflictos de la Universidad de Cartagena registrado en COLCIENCIAS. Abogado en ejercicio
en el campo del derecho privado.