Challenges of Gender-Based Violence Information Management within the Framework of the Armed Conflict. The Case of Medellin

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Paula Andrea Valencia Londoño


 Management of Gender-Based Violence Information within the framework of the armed conflicts is a necessity initially grounded on the permanent work of the feminist movement since the 70’s, which in turn was translated into a normative body which includes demands on the systematic monitoring of the gender-based violence as one of the humanitarian consequences of the armed conflict. However, its operation results in a number of challenges derived, first, from limitations for tracking the problem and, second, from treatment of the processing phases and information reporting; these challenges have been clearly observed for the scarce theoretical construct existing around the topic. The research on which this article is grounded performs an analysis of such challenges for some initiatives concerning management of information about humanitarian consequences and gender-based violence in Colombia, specifically in Medellin City, with the purpose of giving some keys for its strengthening and guiding future exercises from the solution of obstacles seen in current processes.

How to Cite
Valencia Londoño, P. A. (2014). Challenges of Gender-Based Violence Information Management within the Framework of the Armed Conflict. The Case of Medellin. Opinión Jurídica, 13(26). Retrieved from

Article Details

Author Biography

Paula Andrea Valencia Londoño, Universidad de Medellín

Comunicadora social- Periodista, Universidad Pontifica Bolivariana, Estudios de Derecho y Ciencias Política, Universidad de Antioquia. Especialista en Gestión Regional del Desarrollo, Universidad de los Andes. Internacional Master of Advance Studies, Instituto Universitario de Estudios del Desarrollo, Ginebra- Suiza. Magíster en Estudios Interdisciplinarios de Desarrollo, Universidad de los Andes. Doctoranda en Ciencias Sociales. Universidad de Granada. Coordinadora Maestría en Conflicto y Paz, Universidad de Medellín