Vol. 19 No. 38 (2020): January-june

Published: 2020-05-08


What are the Demands of the Latin-American people? To Become Something

David Mendieta González

Abstract views: 460
Online: May 8, 2020

Pages: 5-15

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n38a1

Human Rights for the Development of a Truly Globalized Society

Ana Claudia Santano

Abstract views: 1215
Online: May 8, 2020

Pages: 39-57

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n38a2

Consequences of the Legal Sex Change in the Colombian Health System

Adiley Carmona Montoya, Christian David Rivera Aguirre

Abstract views: 1752
Online: May 8, 2020

Pages: 59-81

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n38a3

Environmental Licensing as a Public Policy and the Power of Companies

Victor Rizo Schiavo, Elda Coelho de Azevedo Bussinguer

Abstract views: 873
Online: May 8, 2020

Pages: 83-98

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n38a4

Barriers for the Access to Work Accidents Compensations in the Colombian Work-Related Risks General System for an Informal Worker

Juliana Granda Cardona, Laura Bernal Arango

Abstract views: 1110
Online: May 8, 2020

Pages: 99-114

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n38a5

Security and Justice: the Non-Criminal Prosecution Agreement and its Compatibility with the Prosecuting System

Claudio José Langroiva Pereira, Bruno Girade Parise

Abstract views: 2285
Online: May 8, 2020

Pages: 115-135

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n38a6

Language and Law. A Theological-Political Approach Based on Walter Benjamin

Alexánder Hincapié-García, Bibiana Escobar-García

Abstract views: 555
Online: May 8, 2020

Pages: 137-157

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n38a7

Administrative Procedural Law and the Postal Monopoly

Nicolás Enteiche Rosales

Abstract views: 572
Online: May 8, 2020

Pages: 159-178

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n38a8

Challenges of the Post-Conflict Regarding the Humanitarian Response: Between the Persistence of the Humanitarian Consequences and the Limitations to the Mandate of Humanitarian Actors

Paula Andrea Valencia Londoño

Abstract views: 596
Online: May 8, 2020

Pages: 179-200

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n38a9

Coloniality and Feminicide: Overcoming 'Ego Conquiro' As a Challenge for Law

Clarice Gonçalves Pires Marques

Abstract views: 820
Online: May 8, 2020

Pages: 201-226

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n38a10

The Ethnically Differentiated Approach and the Duty of the Prior Consultation in the Peace Agreement

Isabela Figueroa, Pedro José Palacio Pardo, Ariel Fernando Amado Carrreño

Abstract views: 1169
Online: May 8, 2020

Pages: 227-244

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n38a11

Criminalistic Computer Science: a Developing Specialty

Vladimir Naranjo Gómez, Juan Carlos Mendoza Pérez, Elvys de la Caridad Alonso Betancourt, Jeanders Silvio Hinojosa Calzada

Abstract views: 1740
Online: May 8, 2020

Pages: 245-257

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n38a12

Enforcement and Limits of Diplomatic Immunity in the Light of the 'Ius Cogens' Norms

Maicol Andrés Rodríguez Bolañoz, Sebastian Portilla Parra

Abstract views: 2401
Online: May 8, 2020

Pages: 259-281

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n38a13

[RETRACTED] Thoughts and Observations of Punishment in Contemporary Criminal Law

Dimitris Liakopoulos

Abstract views: 580
Online: May 8, 2020

Pages: 283-331

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n38a14