Vol. 14 No. 28 (2015)
Published: 2015-12-18
The constitutional framework for transitional justice in Colombia
Abstract views: 1734
Online: Aug 1, 2014
The reverse of subject: Foucault’s provocations to think about human rights
Abstract views: 1210
Online: Aug 1, 2014
Secular state and autonomy of the religious confessions. On occasion of a recent sentence of the Colombian Constitutional Court
Abstract views: 704
Online: Aug 1, 2014
Approach to the juridical configuration of the right to housing within the Spanish legal system
Abstract views: 514
Online: Aug 1, 2014
The special urban regulatory hierarchy as a reference of urban planning public policy in Colombia
Abstract views: 1173
Online: Nov 1, 2014
Gold mining within the framework of regulatory insecurity. Stakeholders and exclusion zones
Abstract views: 1265
Online: Nov 1, 2014
Advertising regulation in the new consumer statute. Implications from the contract theory standpoint
Abstract views: 1491
Online: Apr 1, 2015
The ethical foundation of economic regulation and its limits in the constitutional field
Abstract views: 437
Online: Apr 1, 2015
The theoretical construction of the executive agreements in United States law. The contribution of the Supreme Court
Abstract views: 951
Online: Feb 1, 2015
The absolute bar as a multi-purpose technique. Analysis based on Spain’s and Chile’s civil resources
Abstract views: 442
Online: Aug 1, 2014
The interim protection in contentious administrative proceedings. Cuba’s case
Abstract views: 499
Online: Aug 1, 2014