Is the Right to Work, a Mandatory Action Colombian Public Performance? A Study from Management Justice

Main Article Content

Hernán Darío Vergara Mesa


This article proposes a labor reading of public performance. It refers to the problem faced by public labor relations in Colombia, specifically those referring to the government, those of public employees, consisting in a systematic non application of norms which protect human work the prevalent use of sources of
management public law for its regulation. From verification of this phenomenon in the scenario of litigious processes known by the Colombian management justice in a specific period, it was concluded that nineteenth century theories of sovereignty and government authoritarianism, which covered under the fact of general interest protection continue being in force, resulting in an unilateral
conception of the labor link between employees and the State

How to Cite
Vergara Mesa, H. D. (2015). Is the Right to Work, a Mandatory Action Colombian Public Performance? A Study from Management Justice. Opinión Jurídica, 14(27). Retrieved from

Article Details

Author Biography

Hernán Darío Vergara Mesa, Universidad de Antioquia

Abogado y magíster de la Universidad de Antioquia, candidato a doctor en Derecho de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Profesor asociado de la Universidad de Antioquia, Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas. Docente de Derecho Administrativo y del módulo de Función Pública en las especializaciones de las Universidades Pontificia Bolivariana, Eafit, Medellín y de Antioquia. Integrante del Grupo de Investigación Derecho y Sociedad, Línea de derecho público. Medellín, Colombia.