Vol. 19 No. 40 (2020): Edición especial

Published: 2020-09-18


Inventing a thinking that 'matches up with mankind'

Dominique Rousseau

Abstract views: 293
Online: Sep 30, 2020

Pages: 5-26

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n40a1

The Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy as Restricted Access Right in the COVID-19 Framework

Sergio Luis Mondragón Duarte, Lina María Parra Granados

Abstract views: 3604
Online: Apr 27, 2020

Pages: 49-66

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n40a2

Administrative Law Interpellates in Pandemic Contexts

Hernán Darío Vergara Mesa

Abstract views: 1186
Online: May 7, 2020

Pages: 67-90

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n40a3

Pandemic: Viral Risk Against the Contemporary Notion of Rule of Law

Edwin Rubio Medina

Abstract views: 2105
Online: May 12, 2020

Pages: 91-107

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n40a4

Social and Legal Institutions in Times of Pandemic due to Coronavirus: When the Biological Re-signifies the Cultural

Helga María Lell

Abstract views: 626
Online: May 3, 2020

Pages: 109-124

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n40a5

The Right to Adequate Alimentation in Administrative Planning in the Pandemic Contexts: Rights Defense in Territories

Olga Cecilia Restrepo-Yepes, César Augusto Molina-Saldarriaga, Paola Andrea Cataño-Gómez, Liliana Damaris Pabón Giraldo

Abstract views: 764
Online: Sep 18, 2020

Pages: 125-150

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n40a6

Insufficient Measures Taken for the Population Deprived of Liberty in Colombia on the Occasion of the Coronavirus Pandemic

Diego Fernando Cruz Palomo, Ruby Stella Jaramillo Marín

Abstract views: 1082
Online: May 7, 2020

Pages: 151-161

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n40a7

State of Emergency and Restriction to the Right to Education in Colombia Due to COVID-19

Germán Alfonso López Daza, Carlos Fernando Gómez García

Abstract views: 3527
Online: May 16, 2020

Pages: 163-186

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n40a8

Emergency and Restrictions of Constitutional Rights in Brazil and the World

José Adércio Leite Sampaio, Christiane Costa Assis

Abstract views: 427
Online: May 11, 2020

Pages: 187-205

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n40a9

Work and Social Security in Times of the COVID-19

Carolina Vanegas Vásquez, Ruby Stella Jaramillo Marín

Abstract views: 2324
Online: May 15, 2020

Pages: 207-224

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n40a10

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic in the Brazilian Federation. Decentralization of Dysfunctionality

Luiz Guilherme Arcaro Conci

Abstract views: 699
Online: Oct 19, 2020

Pages: 225-242

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n40a11

The Small COVID-19 Dictatorship in Colombia: Use and Abuse of Ordinary and Exceptional Regulations to Confront the Pandemic

David Mendieta González, Mary Luz Tobón-Tobón

Abstract views: 1095
Online: Oct 19, 2020

Pages: 243-258

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n40a12

Pandemic and the Necessary and Timely Return to Keynesian Insights

Bárbara Guasque, Adriane Guasque

Abstract views: 1036
Online: May 14, 2020

Pages: 259-276

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n40a13

The State of Exception as a Rule

A Critical Look on the Emergency Generated by COVID-19

Diego León Cossio Sepúlveda, Laura María Giraldo Urrego

Abstract views: 682
Online: May 15, 2020

Pages: 277-294

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n40a14

Pandemic and Human Rights: State Decision Regarding Institutionalized Children

Lina Marcela Estrada Jaramillo, Angela María Mesa González

Abstract views: 957
Online: May 26, 2020

Pages: 295-311

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n40a15

Pandemic and State of Exception

the Rise of the Precariousness of Labor Rights in Brazil Amidst COVID-19 Crisis

Renato Horta Rezende, Laura Campolina Monti

Abstract views: 483
Online: May 16, 2020

Pages: 313-339

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n40a16

The Political Control of the Peruvian Congress to the Actions of the Executive in States of Emergency Due to a Pandemic

Manuel Bermúdez-Tapia

Abstract views: 4373
Online: Oct 20, 2020

Pages: 341-367

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n40a17

The Tutelage Actions of the Right to Mental Health in Times of Pandemic

Felipe Lozano Rodríguez, Cristian Fernán Muñoz Muñoz, Enmanuel González Martínez

Abstract views: 3473
Online: May 15, 2020

Pages: 369-392

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n40a18

Glocal/global governance Towards Democratic Normatization: the Need for Legitimacy in Compabilization of Pandemic Measures of Exception vs. Human Rights

Anderson Vichinkeski Teixeira, Roberto Correia da Silva Gomes Caldas

Abstract views: 432
Online: Oct 20, 2020

Pages: 393-419

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n40a19

The Right to Health and Paradoxes in Effectiveness of Fundamental Social Rights

Public Policies in COVID-19 Times

Janaína Machado Sturza, Claudine Freire Rodembusch , Henrique Alexander Keske

Abstract views: 509
Online: Jul 2, 2020

Pages: 421-439

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n40a20

Human Rights in Times of Crisis: The Reflect of Coronavirus in State Compliance with International Standards

Angela Jank Calixto, Luciani Coimbra de Carvalho

Abstract views: 538
Online: May 14, 2020

Pages: 441-464

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n40a21

Who can not Wash their Hand in Brazil?

Lessons for the Future from the Fundamental Rights due to the COVID-19 Crisis

José Antonio Siqueira Pontes

Abstract views: 486
Online: May 15, 2020

Pages: 465-494

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n40a22

The COVID-19 Pandemic as a Transnational Reality

Heloise Siqueira Garcia, Kassy Gerei dos Santos, Leandro Teixeira Ghilardi

Abstract views: 506
Online: May 13, 2020

Pages: 495-512

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n40a23

Violence and Sanitary Contingence Due to COVID-19 as an Apology of the Permanent State of Emergency in Mexico

Martha Elisa Nateras González

Abstract views: 733
Online: May 15, 2020

Pages: 513-532

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n40a24

Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic: Empathic Sustainability as a Measure of Union Against the Transnational Reality

Heloise Siqueira Garcia, Denise Schmitt Siqueira Garcia

Abstract views: 376
Online: May 13, 2020

Pages: 533-550

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n40a25

COVID-19 Measures and Human Dignity in Colombia: Restrictions of Fundamental Rights in Bogotá and Valle de Aburrá during the March-June 2020 Period

Gladis Cecilia Villegas Arias

Abstract views: 734
Online: Nov 24, 2020

Pages: 551-578

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n40a26

Reflections of the Judicialization of the Credit Market in Time of Pandemic

Bárbara Guasque, Alexandre Morais da Rosa

Abstract views: 269
Online: May 15, 2020

Pages: 579-593

DOI: 10.22395/ojum.v19n40a27