Conventionality Standards for Children in Conflict Zones: Colombian Case study
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The main objective of this paper is to identify the multilevel perspective of human rights protection for children in armed conflicts. For that, the pro persona or pro homine principle may be applied. It consists of an interpretative instrument provided by art. 29 of the American Convention of Human Rights and by art. 41 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The present analysis tackles distinct levels of protection, both at an international level and at the national level in Colombia and uses the pro homine principle to resolve eventual conflicts between the International Human Rights Law and domestic law.
How to Cite
Arcaro Conci, L. G., & Gerber, K. (2018). Conventionality Standards for Children in Conflict Zones: Colombian Case study. Opinión Jurídica, 17(35), 171–183.
Article Details
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IACHR (2005). Inter-American Court of Human Rights. Case of the 'Mapiripán Massacre' v. Colombia Judgment of September 15, 2005 Retrieved from
IACHR (2006). Inter-American Court of Human Rights Case of the Ituango Massacres v. Colombia Judgment of July 1, 2006. Retrieved from
Ibáñez Rivas, J. M. (2010). Los derechos de los niños, niñas y adolescentes en la jurisprudencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. Revista IIDH, 51, 13-54.
Isa, F. (2014). Justicia, verdad y reparación en el proceso de paz en Colombia. Revista de Derecho del Estado (33), 35-63.
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Nemer Caldeira, B. L. and Soares, Campos de Oliveira, L. (2009). A inter-relação entre o direito internacional dos direitos humanos e o direito internacional humanitário na perspectiva universal e interamericana. Anuario de Derecho Constitucional Latinoamericano, XV, 603-619.
Peco Yuste, M. and Peral Fernández, L. (2005). El conflicto de Colombia. Madrid, España: Ministerio de Defensa.
Pinto, M. (1997). El principio pro homine. Criterios de hermenéutica y pautas para La regulación de los derechos humanos. In M. Abregu (Coord.), La aplicación de los tratados de derechos humanos por los tribunales locales (pp.163-172). Buenos Aires, Argentina: Ediar, Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales, Editorial del Puerto.
Trejos Rosero, L. F. (2013). Aproximaciones teórico-conceptuales en torno al conflicto armado colombiano. En C. Barreira, R. González Arana and L. F. Trejos Rosero (Eds.), Violencia política y conflictos sociales en América Latina (pp. 105-137). Barranquilla, Colombia, Buenos Aires, Argentina: Editorial Universidad del Norte; CLACSO. Retrieved from
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United Nations (UN) (2014). Operational guide to the integrated disarmament, demobilization and reintegration standards. Recuperado de
Uribe de Hincapié, M. T. (1997). Antioquia: entre la guerra y la paz. Estudios Políticos (10), 126-137.
Valentine, S. (2003). Trafficking of Child Soldiers: Expanding the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and its Optional Protocol on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict. New Eng. J. Int’l & Comp. L., 9 (1), 109-134.