Current Populisms and Global South: a Display of its Repercussions in Brazil, Venezuela and Mexico
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This article aims to analyze the phenomenon of populisms with a specific interest in the Latin American scene. For this, the research proposes an update of terms and concepts developed by the literature and a possible analytical use to reflect on concrete situations considered populist in this region. In this way, this work analyzes the new order of populists of the 21st century in three Latin American countries: Venezuela, Brazil, and Mexico, aiming to verify their points of contact, similarities, and differences. The study was developed using qualitative and descriptive methodology, contemplating literature review and empirical analysis. The relevance of the topic is justified by the importance of understanding what has been happening with democracies in process of stabilization, especially through a perspective that comes from the Global South. As a result, it was possible to conclude that, in recent years, the rise of the populist wave has contributed to the democratic recession, so that populism has returned –reformulated– in Latin America. What has been shown is that populisms, once installed in power, have great potential to significantly undermine democratic structures, making it difficult to consolidate constitutional democracies in the region.
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