Wall Expressions: Narratives and Silences to Build Dialogue

Claudia Arcila Rojas | Bio
Universidad de Medellin
César Emilio Tangarife Bedoya | Bio
Municipio de Medellín



Pedagogic senses and criteria un­derlying wall expressions, as territories marked with languages of memory, are intended to interpret narratives and silen­ces. Then, dialogue emerges as verifica­tion of inter-subjective transcendentalism assumed as a methodological point of view intended to locate the experience of meeting the image of the wall within a narrative vitality, within the phenomenolo­gical research where epistemology implies memory, redefinition, and cleaning of indi­viduals in language as an effect of dialogue construction that exceeds locations in time and space, as well as assumptions and pre­judices in relation to reading and writing of world, life, and daily life.  In relation to premises above, the situa­tional perspective of pedagogy recognizes the question as an experiential and discur­sive condition that witnesses the teacher’s commitment to phenomena of social and historical reality; a reality where the wall is an expression of evocation and creation of stories and, in turn, a path of interpretation in the finite experience of existence where education and teachers find the reasons to get involved in new readings and writings of the world from a position contrary to impunity and crime.

How to Cite
Arcila Rojas, C., & Tangarife Bedoya, C. E. (1). Wall Expressions: Narratives and Silences to Build Dialogue. Ciencias Sociales Y Educación, 4(8), 61-86. Retrieved from https://revistas.udem.edu.co/index.php/Ciencias_Sociales/article/view/1743


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