Poetic memory of the text

Claudia Arcila Rojas | Bio
Universidad de Medellín


Poetics is a heredity of a textual conception which rests in each one of the manifestations of matter; it is the content of the world book on which time marks rest; e.g., evidences, configurations and transformations which stay in the space as codes which start to be deciphering by man in order to construct the ages of history: its elevations, its declinations, frictions, and transits which make of it a progression of polished events by man when expressing his desires and non- conformities. In this sense, poetics become a literary action which knits with letters the progression of memory which is not a different expression of re-find what is human with what is divine from its aesthetic source, as long as poetic reflection looking for what is beautiful, good, and true. The following reflection belongs to PhD thesis: A look from the philosophical prism of José Ortega y Gasset to Simon Bolivar’s poetical figure in “Mi delirio sobre el Chimborazo”, in which dignity, liberty, and justice supports are taken are grammar roots of the poetic which allow the composition of vital sense, in which the revolutionary metaphor makes of the body, of its actions, and expressions a memorable literary work, a books in which biographies and stories which perpetuate an event are narrated. For this effect, the image of El inmortal by Borges constitutes a resource for this dissertation which assumes eternity not from the punishment of reiteration, negating actions which make us close to death, but from the memory, which returns to the literary work which has make its author famous, although this is only a vestige discredited by past history; the memory and its historical inspiration driving heroic acts which return us the appreciation of what is human, independently what the identify is Homer’s, Ulises’s, everyone’s or nobody’s.


Borges, J. (1995). El Aleph, Ecuador: Editorial Hermes.

Bolívar, S. (1978). Obras completas. Tomo V, Colombia: Fundación para la Investigación y la Cultura. Compilación y notas de Vicente Lecuna, con la colaboración de la señorita Esther Burret de Nagariz.

Bolívar, S. (1971). Escritos políticos. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.

Herrera, J. (2000). Bolívar, el hombre de América. Tomos I y II, Medellín: Ediciones Convivencias.

Martínez, G. (1986). Marx y los poetas, Bogotá: Trilce Editores.

Neruda, P. (1980). Residencia en la tierra, Barcelona: Bruguera.

Ortega y Gasset, J. (1958). La historia como sistema, Madrid: Colección El Arquero.

Ortega y Gasset, J. (1984). Meditaciones del Quijote, Madrid: Cátedra.

Payne, R. (1975). El desconocido Karl Marx, Barcelona: Editorial Bruguera.
How to Cite
Arcila Rojas, C. (2013). Poetic memory of the text. Ciencias Sociales Y Educación, 2(4), 131-147. Retrieved from https://revistas.udem.edu.co/index.php/Ciencias_Sociales/article/view/791


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