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David Mendieta González


The last years of the second decade of the 21st century show a humanity in crisis. To unsolved problems such as war, poverty, and climate change, others that seemed to be solved or, at least, on which there were important advance., such as nationalist conflicts, xenophobe, and the struggle among religions are added to the previous ones. Before the issue of human rights, there are restrictive proposals, some of them already materialized in the United States, the European Union, Poland, Turkey, but also in Venezuela and Colombia.
The State of Law is in danger. Chieftainships, extreme right or extreme left movements threaten it. Populist or demagogic speeches hit the base of institutionalism. If institutions are in danger, the solution is to strengthen institutions. If our human rights, the only way we have is to vindicate them with determination.

How to Cite
Mendieta González, D. (2018). Editorial. Opinión Jurídica, 17(34), 9–13. https://doi.org/10.22395/ojum.v17n34a13

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