What are the Demands of the Latin-American people? To Become Something

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David Mendieta González


At the moment of writing this editorial, Latin America is convulsed. Social movements have started their mobilization in Peru, Ecuador, Chile and Colombia for expressing their unconformity with right-wing and left-wing governments. A lot has been written in the last years about the crisis of democracy (Levittsky and Ziblatt, 2018; Mendieta, 2019). But are Latin American democracies in crisis or we have not even consolidated them because of how these are democracies just for some few? We have democratically elected leaders but also unsatisfied basic needs, inequality and lack of opportunities.

How to Cite
Mendieta González, D. (2020). What are the Demands of the Latin-American people? To Become Something. Opinión Jurídica, 19(38), 5–15. https://doi.org/10.22395/ojum.v19n38a1

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