How Will the Post-Pandemic Society Be?

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David Mendieta González


The year 2020 will pass to history because a big part of the world population was confined. It will become the pandemic year, the year of the virus originated in China that rapidly propagated through most countries. In December and January, it was perceived as a distant problem, but in February it was already afflicting Europe and in March America. It is perceived as a democratic virus, given that anyone could have been infected, but reality shows us that it is a classist and racist virus. At the moment that Johns Hopkins University & Medicine (2020) wrote this, only one out of the ten countries with the highest death rate for every one hundred thousand inhabitants belongs to the first world (United States) and six are Latin-American (Mexico, Ecuador,
Peru, Bolivia, Colombia and Brasil).

How to Cite
Mendieta González, D. (2020). How Will the Post-Pandemic Society Be?. Opinión Jurídica, 19(39), 5–15.

Article Details


Banco Mundial (2020). Índice de Gini de Colombia. Consultado el 30 de agosto de 2020.

Cepal (2020). Estadísticas e indicadores económicos, cuentas nacionales anuales en dólares. Colombia. Consultado el 30 de agosto de 2020.

Fernández-Sánchez, H., Gómez-Calles, T. y Pérez Pérez, M. (2020). Intersección de pobreza y desigualdad frente al distanciamiento social durante la pandemia COVID-19. Revista Cubana De Enfermería, 36.

Johns Hopkins University & Medicine (2020). Mortality Analyses. Consultado el 30 de agosto de 2020:

Mendieta González, D. (2020a). ¿Cuáles son las exigencias de los pueblos latinoamericanos? Llegar a ser algo. Opinión Jurídica, 19(38), 5-15.

Mendieta, D. y Tobón, M. L. (2020b). La pequeña dictadura del covid-19 en Colombia: uso y abuso de normas ordinarias y excepcionales para enfrentar la pandemia. Revista Opinión Jurídica, 19(40).

Santos Ferreira, R. (2020). Víctimas preferidas de COVID-19 en diferentes países según raza/color de la piel. Revista Cubana De Enfermería, 36.

Author Biography

David Mendieta González, Universidad de Medellín, Colombia

Editor Opinión Jurídica.