
Main Article Content

David Mendieta González


It is an honor presenting to the Latin-American scientific and academic community the 37th issue of Opinión Jurídica. A number with researches on human rights and vulnerable populations such as: 'Governance of water and basin advice: an analysis from human rights to water and environmental participation' Colombia), 'Challenges for juvenile justice in Brazil: the reform of the child and adolescent statute' (Brazil), 'The social responsibility of the employer (SRE) in Colombia on disability' (Colombia), 'Fundamental rights and human rights: the narrowing of the conceptual frontiers and the necessity of a dialogue between the internal and international legal orbit' (Brasil), and 'The conventionality control: appliance of the international measures for the internal reordering as victims rights protection standard' (Colombia). 'Some of our articles are related with State structure topics like Excessive use of the consent decrees by the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission' (Brasil) and 'Planning of public works contracts in Colombia: principle, duty or requirement? obligatoriness and consequences of its inapplication' (Colombia). Two articles about some economical activities regulations: 'The functional separation of monopolistic activities in the Chilean electrical market. A pending task' (Chile), and 'Outline of the fund account: an atypical law instrument for the promotion of cinematography in Colombia' (Colombia). In this number we also have an article on the lawyers practice titled 'Fellowship of law and violence, as well as an article on political philosophy titled Antonio Gramsci e a violência dos subalternos: guerra, política e 'arditismo popular'' (Brazil), and one on geopolitics called 'Unraveling the Syrian conflict: the Arab-Israeli conflagration' (México).

How to Cite
Mendieta González, D. (2019). Editorial. Opinión Jurídica, 18(37), 5–15. https://doi.org/10.22395/ojum.v18n37a13

Article Details

Author Biography

David Mendieta González, Universidad de Medellín

Editor Opinión Jurídica.